- Greater emphasis on fruits, vegetables, and plant-based proteins.
- Less emphasis on meats and dairy products favouring low-fat dairy and non-dairy alternatives where possible.
- A shift towards mindful eating, limiting screen time during meals.
- Emphasis on drinking more water to lower sugar intake and protect teeth from exposure to sugar.
- Eliminates the traditional “four food groups” replacing them with three: vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and proteins.
- Encourages Canadians comprise half of their daily diet with fruits and vegetables, and split the remaining half between whole grains and proteins.
- Modified the protein food group to include dairy and meat as well as plant-based proteins like beans and tofu.
- Labels 100% fruit juice as a “sugary drink” associated with dental decay, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. (*previous guide recommended 100% fruit juice as a healthy option equivalent to a serving of fruit.)
There are oral health and nutrition recommendations from CDA and its good to know that new Canada Food Guide is aligned with it. We would like you to know that the new guide is good for your oral health as well.
CDA Oral Health and Nutrition recommendations include –
- Adding less sugar to coffee or tea (or use sugar substitutes).
- Avoiding sugar-sweetened soft drinks.
- Looking for fruit juices and drinks with no added sugar.
- Avoiding sticky sweets that cling to teeth and are hard to brush away.
- Eating sweets with a meal instead of as a snack by themselves.
- Carrying a travel-size toothbrush to use after eating sweets.